I managed a short couple of sessions at Hot Legs to quilt on the border of the Jewel Box Star. I was trying to find a motif for fmq that would carry on the garden/floral theme. I had a couple in mind, but for some reason could not settle on one. So I pulled out my FMQ motif notebook, flipped it open and .....
there it was...exactly what I needed.
The Leaf Meander motif is from Handi-Quilter.
It is one of their minute motif sessions. I had printed out the lesson sheet and practiced drawing it a few times on my scribble pad. When I am satisfied with the practice, I go to my motif notebook and do a page of drawing.
I also make any notes on source, or changes I want to do, or how I see using the design, like border or fill in. It then becomes a future reference for designs for me to pick to use.
I changed up this one from an overall design to a trailing design perfect for a border. I also do not do an outline stitch around each leaf, but rather use the outline to fill space or travel back to where I want to go.
The leaves can be fat and long, or short, or skinny. I can do them in clumps or singles, twisting in different directions, with pointy ends or not. As long as the impression is a trail of leaves, it works for me. Plus this one fills in quickly and is not completely dense.
I am about half way around and I am very happy with the overall look. So I am starting my month with an almost done quilt!
My mind has been a jumble of concern for my brother. The biopsy was delayed and put off until Wednesday. That gave us a time to catch out breathe, but it also gave him time to think about things. He was ready to back out completely yesterday, not a good thing really. They suspect inflammation of the artery in the temporal lobe of the brain and that is scary. There is treatment...no cure...but it can be lived with. So until he gets thru this, I am living anxiously. I am trying to be calm and trusting, yet I am aware how short my fuse is right now.
Short sessions at the machine seem to help. Thank you all for the notes and prayers for us. Happy stitching.
Looking good, that was the perfect quilting motif choice.
I do hope your brother gets a good result from his biopsy. The leaf motif is beautiful.
Your leaf quilting is perfect for the quilt. Good choice.
Will keep the prayers coming......
I feel like I never know what to say when someone is facing such a difficult situation. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Do what you need to do (short sessions at the machine or just yelling at God *seriously, God doesn't mind* or have a good cry.)
Right now, I know it is hard not to be frustrated at the situation. Be kind to yourself - whatever that means for you.
So sorry to read about your brother. The waiting and wondering are always so difficult to take. Your leaf motif looks good. Might have to try that one myself.
I like the choice--leaves are always my fav for fmq. Will continue to pray for him, the doctors and you! (My oldest brother had a similar issue--his required operation. Can't remember the name of it at the moment but something about an artery or vein swelling causing the whole side of his face to swell and push on the brain. He and the drs did very well with it all and now just a very slight speech slur, not always noticeable, as a result.)
That leaf motif is perfect. I'm glad stitching is helping you cope some. My prayers continue for you, your brother and your family. ~Jeanne
Some days these things seem more than we can bear, but God is listening when you cry out to Him, and He will ease your pain and will gently guide your brother toward healing. I really like the leafy motif you are using, and think it is one that I could also use, especially in borders where the quilting is more or less heading in one direction. I'm very glad that you are finding some time to stitch and hope it helps relieve some of the stress.
I do love the leaves. I like anything organic looking like that. The more hand drawn, the better in my book. I hope your brother has someone that can advocate for him as it is hard in the emotion of illness and diagnosis to make clear decisions. Stitching seems to hold my sanity in troubled times. Prayers for you and your brother.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother - you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Know that you are not alone - we're here if you need us. And I love your leaves - and your notebook - what a great idea! - ;))
Deseo que todo vaya bien para su hermano y para toda la familia.¡ Ánimo!
Me gustan mucho sus trabajos. Gracias por compartir.
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