Sir Old Man landed safely last night. This is out the window at 11 pm. Snow, big mountains, still daylight......where is he?

He had the opportunity to join a mission group from church. Well, actually, I saw the notice and nagged until he went to the information meeting. was meant to be.

This should give it away. He is in Fairbanks, Alaska. The team will be doing maintenance and repair of the buildings, and such at Camp Li- Wa.
For him, it is full circle as the Camp is now affiliated with the mission at Victory Camp. His parents served as missionaries in Alaska--he was 6 weeks old when they moved up---- and helped clear the land and build the first buildings at Victory Camp.

Weather finally cleared....and turned into summer. I mean 90 degrees in May? But it stopped raining and we had a couple of nicer days. So I took a couple shots of the Jewel Box Star outside.
I have a couple of movies lined up on Prime, the Featherweight to get set up, meals in the freezer or a salad, and I will be ready to stitch thru the week.
Happy stitching.
Oh, I love the floral Jewel box. It is so beautiful. My sister in law just flew to Anchorage for a cruise yesterday. I have never been near Alaska. I wish I had some kind of retreat so I could get work done and not have interruptions. I have to finish fabric sorting in the garage so my husband can get his mini van back in or else.
Stitch retreat for one!! No housework, just doing whatever suits your fancy, eating when you get hungry, sleeping as late as you want, sounds like heaven.
Sounds like you can handle being on your own! Hope you enjoy your time. If Sir Old Man works from dawn to dusk, he'll be one tired fellow when he gets home! ~Jeanne
Wishing you lots of stitching on your retreat for one. Sounds like pure bliss. I saw those tulip blocks and really want to try a few, but at the moment I need another squirrel like a hole in the head!
My youngest son, his wife and my grandbaby live in Anchorage. My oldest is moving up there for the summer, to help with their side business (festival food booth).
It sounds like a great week for both of you. Enjoy your retreat.
you may want to delete the foreign language comment. Those are often used as coded messages by terrorist groups.
Enjoy your retreat time and I'm sure Old Man will also. I love the tulip blocks also and may have to try a few.
Enjoy your retreat for one at home. Best of all possible worlds except having someone bring in your meals. Pace yourself though and take breaks to stop and smell the roses. Sir OLd Man should be busy enough to not worry about leaving you home alone.
I'd love to go to Alaska! I'm trying to get some friends togther to plan a trip maybe next year. Pat Sloan had the tulip block in her Flower Bouquet mystery QAL which is finishing up now. Enjoy your time alone!
Enjoy your time on your own, and don’t go too Bohemian...which is what I would do.
Good morning Debbi - I am happy that you are strong enough to be on your own for a week. I would love to be able to do exactly as I pleased for a few days, but after 64 years of marriage, I would begin to miss him, and you might feel the same way about Sir Old Man. Take care, and pace yourself Debbi.
I'm sure God will use your husband as he is on this trip. Those tulip blocks call "make me!" Most of the Jewel Boxes I see have a dark background. This is very pretty in lighter colors. Enjoy your week!
Have a good time at your retreat at home this week. Listen to your body & don't overdo. God will use your DH in ways that you can't even imagine. So glad he decided to join the mission group (with your nudging). Have fun doing "your stuff" this week.
Love to have 'em around but yet it's nice to just have "you" to worry about for a time. Enjoy your retreat time! Good for hubs--would love to go to Alaska!
I missed several days last week because I was at a retreat, and just now found your post. Enjoy your at-home retreat and get a lot accomplished...I hope.
I have always enjoyed a 'home retreat' where I can choose to eat whatever time I would like, wander around the garden and of course spend time with my quilting!
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